SHOW HOMES 3D TOURS TOP 5 FLOOR PLANS CAPE COD RANCH TWO STORY SHOW HOMES BUDGET FRIENDLY Text a model number to (517) 227-0158 for pricing information Click here to text us! 2022-02-08 16:38:36 20 20 2022-02-08 16:47:26 21 21 2022-02-08 16:50:12 22 22 2022-02-08 16:52:12 23 23 < > Custom Joseph Model < > Avery Model Note: Our exterior home renderings depict a combination of factory and on site options that may not be standard with each home. < > Heritage Model Note: Our exterior home renderings depict a combination of factory and on site options that may not be standard with each home. < > Roosevelt Model Note: Our exterior home renderings depict a combination of factory and on site options that may not be standard with each home.